album review (the light)

1 min readJul 20, 2020


Cover of the Delta Rae album The Light.

So I used to review albums song-by-song. This worked for me for a while, because sometimes I have a lot to say about individual songs (their lyrics, their general vibes, etcetera), but it started to feel like a lot more work than pleasure, and it wasn’t always conveying my intense feelings about things. I also realized that some intense feelings take more than one listen to really build up.

So we’re back to just reviewing the regular (?) way. And what better to start with than the new Delta Rae album, out last week: The Light. For those of you not in the know, I’m… well, I’m just going to link the post from my old blog about the concert of theirs I attended most recently. That should catch you up on the band’s recent history (and my recent history of being head-over-heels in love with them — though that’s been going on for a while, and will continue for much longer, hence this blog’s title).

Full story here.

